Bart Campolo is a materialist, which means that he thinks that the physical universe and its movements are the basis of all reality, and that human consciousness, morality, meaning and everything else comes from physical nature. So you may consider it odd that Bart would have Mark Gober on his podcast, whose book argues that science has proven the existence of consciousness beyond the human body. Gober says that there is evidence for the existence of phenomena like telepathy, precognition, remote viewing and psychokinesis, and that this evidence has convinced him that consciousness transcends the human brain. Needless to say, Bart disagrees with this, but these kinds of views are common in our society, especially among people who are not part of 'organized religion'. So, while this conversation is not a debate, it's a lively discussion of why Mark thinks these claims are valid, particularly as someone who was once a materialist like Bart.
