Why rejection is a sign you're growing & making progress towards your dreams.
Rejection as opportunity, not an obstacle.

How do you feel when you get rejected? For most of us, it can conjure up feelings of not being good enough or failing and then result in us not continuing to progress toward a dream.

But what if rejection was the gateway rather than the dead end to making progress around the things that light a fire in your soul?

In this week's podcast, I share how rejection is fundamental to the opportunities I receive to do the work I love, how it is a sign you are growing and making progress and how to challenge the lens through which you view rejection in order to realise opportunities you never imagined possible.


Download the 100 No's tool here
Watch Jia Jiangs Ted Talk on 100 Days of Rejection here 
If you're ready to invest in reigniting your spark with a supportive tribe of soul-led women who get you because they're on the same journey check out The Calm Collective group coaching program here 
If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT here 

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