Next Episode: How To Say NO

What scares you shapes you. What would be possible if you could unlock your most courageous self? How would that make you feel?

This is the exact question I asked myself at the beginning of my hacking happiness journey and it provided the catalyst for cultivating a courage practice that transformed my life, and now enables me to support others in doing the same.

In this week's podcast, I share the story behind why I delivered a keynote in my bathing suit in the hope that it might inspire you to look at fear through a different lens and demonstrate the magic that resides on the other side of the things we fear most.

The reality is that you are capable of so much more than you realise.

If you'd like to dial up your self-belief, unlock your potential, and amplify your mental wealth, join me on the upcoming Courage Challenge kicking off September 27, 2021 register here.

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Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!


Join me on The Courage Challenge

Where To Find Penny
