Mums in business.

Have you ever felt like a misfit and wondered why it is that you feel you don't quite belong?

What if owning your inner misfit in how you approach business and life was the secret ingredient to creating success on your terms?

In this week's podcast breath of fresh air Kate Toon steps behind the mic to share her unconventional journey into becoming an award-winning business mentor and digital marketing coach.

We also discuss her latest book Six Figures in School Hours: How to run a successful business and still be a good parent.

If you're a mother seeking to run a business whilst showing up as the parent you want to be this episode was made for you.

Links and Resources

Find out more about Kate
Or connect with her on Instagram
Ready to act on the signals life is sending you? ⁠Book a Clarity Call⁠ today and find out how I can help.

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