Greetings from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. A place encapsulated by magnificent jungles, underground rivers and the Caribbean sea and a culture that dates back to BC.

I’m trying to put into words how this place makes me feel and it’s difficult but let me try.

As I sit and soak it in, I realise how being surrounded by such an abundance of nature brings a feeling of calm, of inner peace and a clarity of mind and creativity.

Yet there is an inner battle, it’s real and it’s illogical.

It’s the battle between making the most of being halfway around the world in paradise and just allowing the day to unfold without the distraction of back home.

I feel this jungle oasis calling me to connect with nature, and yet my phone calls me also. It’s saying if you don’t take me, you might miss capturing that moment.

It’s that inner conflict between what we feel we should do and what our body is telling us we need - disconnection from distraction and reconnection to what is innately human.

These are all the reasons why this week’s podcast if focused on how surrendering to nature and injecting more of it into your life in small simple ways provides a basis not only for a greater sense of calm but it equally has shown to recharge your attention muscle!

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