The soulful business doula. The Mums In Lockdown series continues this week as we explore firsthand the challenges of navigating a disrupted life with Laetitia Andrac. She calls herself a Soulful business Doula and has a gift in providing a sacred space for women willing to create soul-aligned businesses, careers, and lives. She's also the Mumma of two little girls and a new puppy who quit her executive position to start a soul-led business at the start of the pandemic.

Together we explore how COVID life can provide a lesson in self-trust, how using a wave can help us process the roller coaster of feelings, and some beautiful hacks to support your children in processing the uncertainty.

This is a unique conversation you won't want to miss.

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Watch the documentary Earthing
Download a copy of the full Literature Review on how mental health and wellbeing challenges are accelerating in COVID-19 restrictions for women.
Discover a set of simple tools to unlock more of what makes you feel good. Grab a copy of my book Hacking Happiness

Find Out More About Laetitia

Essential Shift
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