This month, I’m celebrating nine years in my own business.

Nine years as a Lifestylepreneur, and I want to celebrate this moment with you because far too often, I see purpose-led women in business losing heart and motivation because they’re focusing on all the things that aren’t working rather than acknowledging the progress they’ve made.

This week’s episode of the Hacking Happy podcast is Part 2 in the Lessons of a Lifestylpreneur series, a reflective podcast series designed to empower you to acknowledge the progress you're making when doing hard things so that you can stay the course. The win is in the long and consistent game, so I’ve learned.

Links & Resources

Book a Breakthrough call with me here
Register here for the How To Secure Corporate Clients Masterclass
Grab your copy of The Artists Way here
Check out the One Roof community here
The Launchpad community here
Grab a copy of Profit First here

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