Organizations are working hard to meet the challenge of sexual harassment in the workplace head-on. However, the efficacy of sexual harassment training leaves a lot to be desired. How do employers make this training stick? Part of it boils down to creating an emotional investment in trainees, a subject that our guest excels in.

Morgan Mercer is the Chief Executive Officer of Vantage Point, an organization that strives to leverage virtual reality immersive technology to tackle complex training challenges, such as sexual harassment training.

Prior to founding Vantage Point, she concurrently served as the Head of Digital for an e-commerce startup and an Analyst for a digital agency where she has worked on high-profile contracts focused on attitude change and behavior change within the domain of complex social issues.

She has been featured on the BBC, in British Vogue, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Wired, VentureBeat, and many other media outlets.