The way we think about learning in the workplace is undergoing a major shift: Organizations are becoming facilitators and validators of content, rather than owners and controllers. Across industries, technology is driving this trend toward socially co-created knowledge and learning that is more collaborative and iterative than in the past. 

Julian Stodd, a researcher, consultant, and founder of Sea Salt Learning, joins host Marc Ramos to explore this evolution and what’s on the horizon for organizational learning. They also discuss how companies are better positioned than ever to connect learning models with what their employees need and desire.  

Learning is a key element in future-proofing any workplace. Our AI-driven Content Studio uses employee data to match workers with relevant mentors, skills, and learning material they need to take the next step in their career journey. It’s a great way for companies to acknowledge and validate their employees’ goals, and connect them with the right tools for the future.