Which do you value more: your profits or your people?  

Although we don’t want to admit that profits take a lot of our attention, we must not forget the people behind our brand. Your team represents your brand to your customers.

Today we’re talking to Delise Crimmins, Chief Culture Officer of the Culture Think Tank. Delise has helped brands fortify, leverage, and shift their culture to ensure they are optimized for success. Don’t get me wrong, this episode isn’t about expecting hand-holding, kumbaya moments where everybody feels good about each other. Although that’s a byproduct of a great culture, at the end of the day it’s all about performance. Organizations that have strong cultures are the ones who outperform their competition.

Every brand has a culture. If you want to be successful, you need to know what your culture is and how to manage it so you can have positive outcomes for your team and your customers.

Want to learn more about brand culture? Great, let’s go!

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