Welcome to Monday Motivation - Take Joy

All too often I think these talks highlight some of the really difficult parts of the writing life, but I'm totally guilty of not discussing just how amazing it is to have a gift like storytelling. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't found this passion for storytelling. It kinda feels like the thought of "what would my life be like if I hadn't married my wife, or had kids." It is impossible to imagine because storytelling is fundamental to who I am.

And so today's Monday Motivation is a simple, yet profound, invitation to spend a week taking pure joy in your storytelling journey. Wherever you are, what you have or haven't accomplished, the goals you hope to achieve, all of those things fade in the joy of just writing. Just telling interesting stories with fun characters who do sometimes crazy things.

A small mental reframe which pays dividends is to change your expectations for this week's writing. I personally need this. Like, I'm not going to expect pages, or quality, or certainly not brilliance. I'm going to expect joy in each minute of my writing time.

Can you already feel the internal shift in those words? I certainly can.

A few years ago I got the word joy tattooed on my arm inside of a bullseye. I use tattoos a lot to embed messages that I desperately need but oftentimes aren't intuitive. I'm a writer, I am prone to melancholy and folk music, and so this realignment to joy is just so welcome. I cannot wait to write all week from this place.

If these are connecting with you as well, I encourage a week, or a day or a whatever and just be joyful in your writing practice. We are the lucky ones who get to tell stories, who get to join in an unfathomable tradition of storytellers throughout history and express ourselves with words.

I'm holding onto that today, and I hope you will do.

Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you have a JOYFUL week of writing

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