Monday Motivation – Say Nice Things 


For this Monday Motivation, you’ll need a piece of paper and a pen. Your computer or phone will work fine, but ideally you are writing this out by hand. I’ll do the “pause until you get this” notice that I always heard as a kid. 

Got your writing piece? Good.

Now, in this order, this is what I want you to do.

1.       Write just one thing that makes you incredibly excited about the story you are working on or want to work on. So, this can be a theme about the story, a main character who has captured your heart, or the setting. Anything that just fills you with deep, creative energy. Maybe it is the reason you kicked off this project in the first place.

2.       Write one amazing thing about your relationship with your story. Said another way, what does the story mean to you personally? What makes this story so important for you to tell? Let’s imagine this story is out in the world, and someone reads it, calls you up, and says... “wow your story deeply moved me, and here is why...” what is the why? 

3.       Write one thing about you as a writer. What is your superpower? What do you uniquely bring to the table that no one else in this world can bring? It isn’t arrogant to say this, it is beautiful and special. 


Okay, if you haven’t done this, take a moment to really dig into these answers. Feel free to take a moment if you need.  There is no rush.


Now that you do have these answers beautifully written out, hopefully in your own hand, read them to yourself three times each day. But don’t skim them. Let the words you just wrote sink down into you. Let them be your north star about yourself and your work. Feel free to add to them as you’d like. Make them more robust, let the language swell as the words more deeply connect with you. 


Read these three answers next two weeks and see what happens. I challenge anyone... I mean anyone... to do this exercise with gusto and focus and not see a dramatic improvement in their relationship with their self, their writing, and those around them. Sometimes, what we need most, is just to reconnect with our own hearts.


Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a wonderful week of writing. 

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