Welcome to Monday Motivation –Massive Action 


I touched on this topic a few weeks ago in an Instagram post and the idea has been rolling around in my head a lot. The term Massive Action comes from Tony Robbins who is one of my earliest inspirations. I love the guy, as tacky as he’s been on late night TV, his books and events have absolutely changed my life.


The premise of this platform is to provide encouragement and inspiration to write. And to do that, oftentimes we talk about tools, tips, insights, routines, motivations. I do this believe I believe in the power of learning not just information but learning how to work. 


Sometimes the hardest part of learning to write is learning how you write. I used to get really frustrated when people would say, “just write.” It felt empty and cheap, like some platitude that person didn’t even believe. I subscribe to the Abe Lincoln quote when he says, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the ax.” 


That said, sooner or later, it is time to chop down the tree. Yes, learning is good. Yes, sharpening your ax is good. But, really, the job is not to sharpen the ax, it is to cut down the tree. And so that means once your ax is sharp enough, you need to start taking your swings. 


So many times, we make our writing problems to be more complex than what they actually are. You may not know how to technically write at the skill of a pro. That’s true. I don’t. And that’s okay. The answer to that problem is massive action. 


Plot doesn’t work? Massive action.

Don’t know how to write dialogue? Massive action.

No motivation? Massive action.


What is massive action? It means an outsized amount of writing. Yes, sharpen that ax. Learn how to write dialogue. But dammit don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for enough information to write. Just start making two characters talk to each other and do that over and over and over and at a certain point, you’ll see you’ve worked your way into competency. 

I hope you take this as encouragement because it is good news that there isn’t some magic formula you need to know. There isn’t some guy that controls what you write. Whatever you are missing is found through putting in the work. Your writing problems are solvable. They just require a massive amount of action from you.  


Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a wonderful week of writing.



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