This week has been remarkable in so many ways. In my neck of the woods in Brooklyn, thousands of protestors walking down my block, down the main arteries of my neighborhood, is a daily occurrence. I’ve been able to participate in the protests. The memory of the black, brown, and white faces will forever bring a smile to my face. Wherever you live in this country or the world, I’m sure you’ve seen and hopefully participated in peaceful protests against this country’s systemic brutality against Black people. 


Today, I’m not going to do a writing Monday Motivation, but I want to share a 25-minute clip from one of my heroes, James Baldwin’s. In 1965, Baldwin debated William Buckley at Cambridge University. I encourage you to go listen to the entire debate, but this clip is powerful and raw and so so important. 


On a quick note, I’ve intentionally kept this podcast as non-political as possible, because I believe everyone has a story to tell, regardless if you a democrat or republican. And, authentic storytelling brings people together, it always sparks progress because it is rooted in truth and honesty. Dishonest writing is merely propaganda. But, the Black Lives Matter movement is not political. To fight and advocate for human rights and dignity is not political. 


Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you have a wonderful week of writing. 

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