Welcome to Monday Motivation – Childlike Goals

 I know I’ve said this before, but so many of these talks start from the question, “what is heaviest on my heart?” I try to let these talks come from the inside out, which mirrors the way I taught myself to write: starting with what is in my heart, and trying my best to translate that feeling into words. 

 I say this because this topic is a straight-from-Brian’s-heart-onto-the-page type talk. 

 You see, I am an expert at setting a limiter on myself. I’ve developed a kind of governor for how fast I can go with my life, much in the same way a car’s governor won’t let the car go past 100mph. Even though I have an entire course on setting powerful goals, I still struggle with stepping into my full potential.

 In my life, this shows up as limiting beliefs. If you haven’t heard the term before, a limiting belief is a belief that places an artificial constraint on our lives. We all have them, and they show up when we say things like, “I don’t, I can’t, I’m supposed to, I am not, That is the way it is…” Fill in the blank there and see how they come out for you. Here are a few of mine:

“I’m not supposed to want to write a best selling novel.” Getting better. 

“I will never make a comfortable living from writing.” Good. 

Let’s keep going. “I am not original enough. I am not smart enough. There is not enough time, enough money, enough space.”

“It is not possible that Barack Obama (one of my heroes) will list my novel as one of his top reads.” That’s what I want. Truly. My hands are sweating as I say it because it is absolutely ridiculous to say it out loud. But that is how bad I want it... AND how powerful limiting beliefs can be in our lives. 

 That took me all of 20 seconds to write. That goals. That dream… it is always bubbling right below the surface, in a place where I can imagine it, but a place where it is never exposed. A perfect safety...


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