Welcome to Episode 5 – How Brian Platzer Writes 


As I’m sure you can see, my goal in these first interviews is to show how authors have worked through the ups and downs of life to create. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone’s journey is unique and at times challenging and at times wonderful; but, the goal for writers is to write through all of it. This interview with Brian spans the distance of challenge, joy, and so much in between.


I spent a few hours with Brian in his home office and we discussed the writing life, but also about working through challenges. Brian has an undiagnosed neurological disorder which limits the amount he can write, but he has responsibilities like a family, job, and a second job, and yet Brian still finds time to write and tell his story. 


Some things I really loved from this interview is Brian’s candid humor. I found myself laughing through so much of the interview. The topic—and I see now how this has come up on the past few interviews—of writing current events, especially from outside perspectives, just organically came into the conversation. Brian shares his techniques to do research and understand people’s stories, there is just so much to learn from Brian in this interview.


Thank you to Brian for his time and for hosting me. And now here is the interview with Brian Platzer.



Thank you for listening!  

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