Welcome to Episode 43 - How Brad Parks Writes

Do you enjoy listening to all of the amazing answers guests give when I ask about their one piece of writing advice? If so, I've compiled the first 35 responses in a FREE eBook. The answers are all sorts of awesome, with some inspirational and others a kick in the pants. To download your free eBook go to howwriterswrite.com/ebook and I hope you enjoy!

This week's episode with Brad Parks is a wild ride. Brad is full of energy, stories, and passion for writers. We cover so much ground on how to build a routine, how to keep away the temptations of the internet, and how to focus on what you can control in the writing life. I loved recording this episode, and I am SURE you will love listening. I was literally laughing the entire time.

I want to say a special thank you to Brad for his time and sharing so much.

And now... without any further ado, here is the episode with Brad Parks!

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