Hello and welcome to Episode #3– How Michel Stone Writes! I am your host Brian, and If you’ve ever thought about giving up, just throwing the towel in, this Michel Stone interview is for you. 

But, before we get to the interview, I want to talk about setting writing goals. Those who know me will confirm that I am a big goal setter, especially my writing goals, especially in fall. Wasn’t it Fitzgerald who said, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall?” It is just the perfect time to reevaluate what has worked, what didn’t work, and what I’m aiming for in the coming year. As fun as that is for me each year, I thought, why not ask a bunch of people to join me?  

So, I am going to host a free webinar on how to crush your 2020 writing goals next Thursday, November 21st at 7:30 pm ET. It’ll work like this: I’ll run through how you can set meaningful writing goals in 2020, how to stay motivated, and just love your work along the way. I also have a few templates to download along with the webinar. Registration is open! Go to www.howwriterswrite.com/crush2020 to reserve your spot. If you can’t make the webinar, I’ll make all of the content available afterward for a small fee, but If you attend live, the content will be free to you forever. One more time… next Thursday at 7:30 pm ET. To register, go to www.howwriterswrite.com/crush2020. I hope to see you there!

Now, for an interview that is going to pump grade-A inspiration straight into your writing veins. Michel Stone shares the playbook for thriving as a writer. From how to survive enough rejection letters to paper a few walls in a bathroom to how to interview people from other backgrounds and experiences. I felt as if I could have spoken with Michel all day about writing and life. There is just so much in this interview.

With that said, I want to take a quick moment to thank Michel for her time. If you haven’t checked them out yet, Border Child and The Iguana Tree are stunning books that are beautifully written and highly relevant to our time.

Okay, here is the interview with Michel.  

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