Welcome to Episode to 13 – How Marlon James Writes


This episode is sponsored by… me! How Writers Write is a platform to help writers tell their story. One way I do that is through one-on-one coaching. I help writers move from where they are, to where they want to be. That can mean getting started on a writing project, conquering their self-doubt, or building the discipline to see their story come to life. I invite you to schedule a free, 45-minute introduction call with me. You'll be able to determine both if coaching is for you, and if I am the coach you want to work with. Visit www.howwriterswrite.com/coaching to read more and schedule time with me. 


Throughout this podcast, one lesson that has bubbled up over and over is the hustle and deep well of self-belief needed to be a writer. This message has been echoed so many times, from so many writers. To see your work come to life is going to take grit, self-belief, and an ability to push forward through tremendous obstacles.


Today’s interview with Marlon James hits those points. For Marlon to become a literary household name, it took tremendous discipline, grit, enthusiasm, and self-belief. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I trust that this interview will challenge and inspire you.


Thank you again to Marlon James. Without any further ado, here is the interview.

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