Like many of us Nicola spent the early years of her career  spent the early parts of her career following a common path - university, travelling, job in London. In 2019 she realised that this wasn’t my “forever”. It wasn't my "passion". 


When she  began to actually stop and think about what it was that she wanted; how she wanted her life to pan out and how she could make it happen she discovered coaching. 


Nicola Hatfield is I'm a Mindset & Performance coach, working with ambitious women who are ready to step into their full potential. I work with clients to help cultivate & strengthen self-belief, introduce & implement effective mindset strategies for success and ultimately help them to feel in "flow" vs on the go!


"Reduce the Overwhelm" is her new Facebook group that is a supportive group with live meditations and group coaching sessions to help people feel more calm, connected & clear with the direction they're heading in! 


During our conversation we talk about: 

Why we need life coaches just as much as personal trainers for our well-being How she helps clients get unstuck and move towards their goals by helping them define what it is they really want  What holds most people back The benefits of having someone who is dedicated to supporting your goals and keeping you on track  Recognizing & celebrating the small wins when they happen to propel us forward How to minimize distractions to make your day more productive What it means to audit your environment and why that’s so helpful Journaling, to-do lists, and other hacks to make shit happen! 


If you're feeling stuck in a rut or on the hamster wheel of life, this episode is for you! 


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