Previous Episode: 26. Creating a Deep Character
Next Episode: 28. How To Write Well

In today's episode, we're talking about:

Critical voice.

What is critical voice and what does it to you?

Ways to overcome critical voice and why you should not always listen to it.

Tips and tricks to navigate around critical voice.

What Dean Wesley Smith says about critical voice and how to use that for your writing.


Don't be like the 80% who want to but never write their book. Book a coaching session now. Go to

Creating a book can be simple! All you need is:

A writer's mindset,

A writing schedule,

And a writer's toolkit

Get yours NOW!

Hey Writer!​

I’m Massiel and I’m a women’s book coach.​

I’m in the process of developing a program that can better serve busy women just like you overcome time management and writer’s block so they can finally tackle their book.​

I used to be in the exact same position, and found a way to write over 2 dozen books in just five years. I now am on a mission to help people like you do the same!

That said, by filling out this survey, it will help me tremendously to learn more about busy writers who are struggling with confidence and time management and want to get writing with a plan and with confidence.​

In exchange for 15 minutes of your time to fill out my survey, I will be selecting 5 lucky people to hop on a FREE 30 minute Book Game Plan with me so I can help you solve your problem, absolutely no charge!

Here is the link:


Thank you so much!