Upgrading my dictation

Prompt for the week: You wake up in the middle of a dream. But, you can control every aspect of this dream and you start with a cup of wine in your hand. What happens next?

Motivation: “Art is anything you can get away with.” – Andy Warhol

I want to talk about tech startups when doing dictation. First you might start off with some free apps. This might include a Google Docs, voice apps on your phone, some transcription services that might be inexpensive. You might jump into what I did next. Which includes getting a recording device and headphones. And lastly, my latest improvement. This includes the microphone that I have on my desk, which is primarily used for podcasting but I have been training my Dragon on this for a while. This makes this the ideal microphone for dictation and I am also using Audacity My results I would say it’s probably about 97 to 98% correct now.

