Guest: Randi-Lee Bowslaugh

Episode Name: Memoirs, DIY Publishing, and Embracing Joyful Writing with Randi-Lee Bowslaugh

Episode Number: 235


About the guest

Randi-Lee, hailing from Ontario, Canada, discovered her passion for aiding others early on. After graduating with honors from Niagara College's Community and Justice Services program, she excelled during her placement at a recovery house for addiction. After working in social services and pursuing psychology at university, Randi-Lee published her first book on mental health awareness in 2017, marking the beginning of her writing journey. Despite a cancer diagnosis during her second book's release (A Mother’s Truth), she expanded her portfolio to include nonfiction, children’s books, social stories, draw-your-own-story series, and more. An accomplished kickboxer, Randi-Lee became the Canadian National Champion in 2015, competing globally and coaching at the Ontario Winter Games in 2020. Now, while managing a chronic illness, she continues to share her candid experiences with mental health and parenthood, emphasizing the importance of connection and understanding.


In this episode, Randi-Lee Bowslaugh shares insights into her memoir writing process, emphasizing the balance between personal stories and thorough research. Discussing her memoir "Goodbye Too Soon," Randi-Lee explores the emotional journey of addressing addiction and legislation. The conversation covers her revision process, the importance of a supportive editor, and the joy of taking control over formatting and cover design. Randi-Lee offers valuable tips for aspiring authors, encouraging them to find joy in the creative process and not wait for perfection. She also shares her experiences with self-publishing and working with a publicist, highlighting the opportunities that have emerged. The episode wraps up with Randi-Lee's motivational advice to follow what brings happiness and to embrace continuous learning. 


Additional Resources

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Massiel's Email - [email protected]

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