Guest: Dee Bowden

Episode Name: Navigating the Authorial Journey and Business Triumphs with Dee Bowden [NANOWRIMO Day 27]

Episode Number: 230


About the guest

Dee wrote Collect The Cash to teach small business owners to solve their cash flow issues. Dee has over 10 years of revenue recovery experience and wants to assist businesses to collect the cash and stop leaving money on the table. The Sale is not Complete Until The Money is in The Bank! 


In this conversation with Massiel, Dee Bowden, author of "Collect the Cash: The Sale Is Not Complete Until the Money Is in the Bank," shares her insights on the challenges and triumphs of the writing and publishing process. Emphasizing the importance of being teachable and coachable, Dee draws parallels between overcoming setbacks in writing and experiences in academics, sports, and music. She discusses her collaboration with a book coach, the personal development inherent in the authorial journey, and the significance of celebrating small victories. Dee details her book's unique concept, the "collection zone," inspired by sports psychology, offering a positive mindset for debt collection in business. She provides a glimpse into her publishing process, including classes and revisions, and invites readers to purchase personalized signed copies directly from her website. Overall, Dee's story is one of determination, resilience, and the transformative power of writing.


Additional Resources

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Massiel Email - [email protected]

Massiel's Coach.Me site -

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Follow Dee

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