Guest: Sienna Zini

Episode Name:  Love, Suspense, & Inked Journeys  with Sienna Zini [NANOWRIMO Day 19]

Episode Number: 222


About the guest

Sienna Zini's passion lies in writing, where she finds immense joy in inspiring love in the hearts of her readers through well-crafted narratives that immerse them in the depths of captivating romance. She chooses to write about love because she firmly believes it is the engine that moves the world. Join her in a swoon-worthy, suspenseful, and heartbreaking journey, peppered with a bit of spice.


In this episode of the "How to Write a Book" podcast, host Massiel Valenzuela interviews prolific romance author Sienna Zini. Sienna shares her journey from working in a company to rediscovering her passion for writing during the COVID pandemic. The discussion touches on Sienna's writing process, including her preference for character-driven narratives and the organic development of her stories. Sienna talks about her books, including "Forever Illogical" and "Of Us," delving into themes of love, suspense, and heartbreaking journeys with a touch of mystery. The conversation also explores Sienna's upcoming book, "Inked," a mafia romance with a unique twist. Sienna discusses her approach to overcoming imposter syndrome, seeking feedback from trusted friends, and the emotional process of writing. The episode concludes with a special announcement of a giveaway, where listeners have the chance to win coupons for Sienna's books by tagging the hosts on Instagram.


Additional Resources

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Massiel Email - [email protected]

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