Guest: Tiara J. Brown

Episode Name: Tiara J. Brown - Writing Your World [NANOWRIMO Day 5]

Episode Number: 208


About the guest

Tiara J. Brown, hailing from a quaint Northeast Ohio town and an alumnus of Ohio University, embarked on her writing journey at the tender age of twelve. With the release of 'The Tales of Alexandria Stecklar: The Locket,' she introduces her debut novel to the literary world.


In this exciting conversation between Massiel Valenzuela and Tiara J Brown, the author of "The Tale of Alexandra Steckler," Tiara shares her journey of self-publishing her debut novel and the creative process that brought her story to life. They discussed the importance of beta readers and the constructive feedback they provide, as well as Tiara's plans for the future, including getting her book into physical bookstores and working on Book Two. Tiara emphasizes the value of all feedback and teases a potential event about self-publishing. Through these discussions, Tiara's passion for storytelling and her commitment to continuous improvement as a writer shine through, making her an inspiring figure in the world of indie publishing.


Additional Resources

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Massiel Email - [email protected]

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