Guest: Meiyoko Taylor

Episode Name: Defeating Writer's Block and Embracing Success with Meiyoko Taylor [NANOWRIMO Day 3]

Episode Number: 206


About the guest

Meiyoko Taylor is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, and mindset coach. With a passion for personal development and a mission to inspire others, he has authored multiple books and founded the "Yes Is Back" movement, focusing on empowering individuals to overcome self-doubt and burnout. His unique approach emphasizes the importance of work-life alignment and personal fulfillment, challenging conventional notions of success. Miyoko's clear and empowering messages have made him a sought-after figure in the self-improvement sphere, helping people say "yes" to their own dreams and desires.


In this insightful conversation with Massiel Valenzuela, author and motivational speaker, Meiyoko Taylor, discusses his writing journey and provides valuable insights into overcoming writer's block and achieving success. Taylor mentions that he has authored five books on his own and co-written three more, one of which was with a well-known motivational speaker. When discussing writer's block, he emphasizes that it often arises from overthinking and undervaluing one's knowledge and experiences, and he offers a simple yet powerful perspective on writing as a means of sharing personal experiences.

Taylor believes that the 30s are a significant phase when people feel societal pressure to meet certain life milestones, but he encourages individuals to focus on their unique journeys instead of comparing themselves to others. He identifies three main "success killers": overthinking, trying to please everyone, and fear, particularly the fear of success. He underscores the importance of prioritizing the mission and message over personal concerns.

The conversation also touches on Taylor's "Yes Is Back" movement, which encourages people to prioritize saying "yes" to themselves and their own desires. Taylor is passionate about work-life alignment and promoting harmony over the idea of work-life balance.


Additional Resources

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Follow Meiyoko:

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