Guest Name: Minnette Meador

Episode Name: Unleashing Creativity: A Journey of Dedication and Dreams with Minnette Meador

Episode Number: 198

Episode Link:


In this podcast episode, Massiel welcomes author Minnette Meador, a prolific writer of various genres including epic fantasy, historical romance, paranormal, urban fantasy, sci-fi, and children's books. Minnette shares her journey as a writer, starting in 2007 after taking a sabbatical from her job. She emphasizes the importance of never giving up on one's creative pursuits and shares how she rediscovered her passion for writing and published her first book. Minnette also discusses the challenges of balancing writing with other responsibilities, such as raising six children, and highlights the need for dedication, self-motivation, and continuous learning in the craft of writing. Despite not making a full-time living solely from writing, she remains committed to her creative endeavors and finds fulfillment in sharing her work with others. The episode ends with a discussion on the importance of nurturing creativity in oneself and others.


About the guest:

Minnette Meador is a talented and versatile writer known for her works in various genres, including epic fantasy, historical romance, paranormal, urban fantasy, sci-fi, and children's books. With a passion for storytelling, Minnette's creativity knows no bounds as she fearlessly explores different genres and captivates readers with her imaginative narratives. In addition to her prolific writing career, she has a background in singing and acting, adding another layer of artistic expression to her life. Minnette is an advocate for never giving up on one's dreams and encourages others to pursue their creative passions with determination and dedication.



00:01 Introduction 
01:09 Minnette talks about her writing journey and career 
03:27 Minnette shares her background in singing and community theater and also about her writing journey
08:50 Minnette discusses her dedication to writing and the importance of learning the craft

12:37 Minnette talks about her writing process with her first book

16:17 Editing process

21:07 Minnette spoke about her experience when she published her first book

24:34 Minnette talks about her writer's toolkit

30:52 Conclusion


Additional Resources:

Publishing a Memoir  1:1 Book Coaching  Publishing a Romance  Book 30 minutes and get your book strategy instantly! 


Follow us:

Minnette Meador's Instagram handle: @minnettemeador

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