"I deal with disease everyday. I can tell you right now, we're doing something wrong. And it ain't the people following a whole-food plant based diet."

Today we are chatting to Dr Andrew Little for the second time on this show.  Dr Little, as you’ll get to know is incredibly knowledgable, compassionate and loves an evidence based approach to being plant based and having a sustainable lifestyle. Our first conversation together is a great episode to listen to (HERE) if you want to learn about raising kids on a plant based diet and the hierarchy of science. By way of background Andrew is a family man and a working Anaesthetist, hence his passion in antibiotic resistance.

Video version: https://youtu.be/OLbWFJK2UqQ

The key topics in today's episode:
05:00 - Filling your house with happiness
06:00 - Vegans and depression
09:00 - Pseudo-journalism
15:00 - Being an unhealthy vegan
17:00 - Being a racist vegan
20:00 - Methanes effect
26:00 - Does growing veg harm animals
30:00 - The downsides to eating plant-based
33:30 - The psychologism of veganism
36:30 - Do vegans make a difference
41:00 - What does healthy feel like
44:00 - Cell-meat
49:00 - Vegan and world hunger
59:00 - Do carbs make you fat
01:09:00 - Dealing with Pseudo-scienctists
01:16:00 - Carnivore confirmation diet
01:22:30 - Eating our way to extinction
01:25:00 - Different types of fats
01:33:00 - Valuing credentials

Connect with Andrew:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/dr_andrewlittle/

Connect with me:
Instagram | @plant.paradigm
YouTube | The Plant Paradigm
Twitter | @plantparadigm
Website | www.theplantparadigm.com
Support the show | Buy me a coffee

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Stay happy,
Eat plants,

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