Gisselle wants to be a different kind of mom, but her gentle parenting choices sometimes rub up against how her Dominican parents interact with her two boys. And Leslie Priscilla, founder of Latinx Parenting, speaks with Juleyka about "Chancla Culture" and decolonizing our parenting without antagonizing those who raised us.

Featured Expert: 

Leslie Priscilla is a first generation non-Black Xicana mother to three bicultural children and daughter of immigrant parents from Mexico. She is a descendant of Indigenous Tarahumara / Rarámuri lineage who has resided on occupied Tongva, Acjachemen & Kizh land, also known as Santa Ana in Orange County, CA, all of her life. She identifies as both Mexican-American and a Detribalized Indigenous mujer. Leslie shares her medicine by offering coaching, workshops, support, and advocacy for Latinx/Chicanx families as well as professionals via trainings locally, nationally, and internationally both in-person and online via the Latinx Parenting organization. She founded Latinx Parenting, a bilingual organization and movement intentionally rooted in children's rights, social and racial justice, the individual and collective practice of nonviolence and reparenting, intergenerational and ancestral healing, cultural sustenance, and the active decolonization of oppressive practices in our families. Leslie has facilitated in-person groups in both Spanish and English for thousands of parents, teachers, and professionals in schools, transitional homes, teen shelters, hospitals, Wraparound programs, drug rehabilitation centers, and family resource centers throughout Orange County, CA and now world-wide virtually. 

If you loved this episode, be sure to listen to Not Your Mamí's Sex Ed. and How to Teach Consent in Our Families.

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