Chai is looking for chemistry, love and romance, but her Indian mother has a different idea, and feels responsible for finding her a husband. And Varsha Mathur, a dating and relationship coach, speaks with Juleyka about how to help parents understand what you want in romantic relationships.

Featured Expert: 

Varsha is a dating & relationship coach and speaker. She is a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching which is accredited by the International Coach Federation and is considered internationally as the world’s finest coach training program. Clients (individuals and couples) work with her to find love with someone who clicks with them, have deeper relationships without pressures, and gain the power to make decisions that best serve their dreams. Varsha also runs a program for parents of adult Indian singles where she helps them “contribute to their [children’s] happiness, communicate effectively (...) and find their inner peace.” As a South Asian who has been through a divorce, dating in her 30’s and getting remarried, Varsha offers her personal stories and perspectives to her clients. Before coaching, Varsha practiced law and mediation and later owned and operated a healthcare management company. These professional transitions, along with her personal ones, have given her a perspective that differs from most lawyers, business owners and coaches. Learn more about her work and setup a discovery call with Varsha here.

 If you loved this episode, be sure to listen to Dating While Undocumented and When They Want a Wedding and Grandchildren, But You're Not Ready.

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