Spiritual life coach Michelle Gomez speaks with Juleyka about what he calls the Latina Mother Wound, and shares strategies to recognize and begin to heal childhood traumas that impact mother-daughter relationships. Then, she offers advice on how to incorporate it all into conscious parenting practices.

Featured Expert: 

Michelle Gomez, is a spiritual life coach, author, and sacred space holder with a specialty in healing the Latina Mother Wound. She has endured the painful process of healing the wounds left by traumatic experiences from her childhood. She is a sacred space holder for women who need guidance, a safe place to land, and a sister to lean on. Her approach is centered on processing the pain of the Latina Mother Wound and recovering the strength of the divine feminine Warrior Womxn within, with the help of spirit guides, ancestors and all of the elements in nature made available to us. Learn more about Michelle  on her website, where you can also download her free e-book The Latina Mother Wound, and her digital healing guide The Healing Hija Accelerator. Michelle also runs a community of sisterhood, Healed Hijas, a Facebook group of Latina adult daughters at different stages in their Mother Wound healing journey.

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