It’s the last episode of our season and we’re going out with a bang. We introduce Pete’s new favorite acronym by way of Subsequent Lawsuits After Divorce (S.L.A.D.) and talk about all the ways you might find yourself back in court after your divorce is over. The law is made up of some confusing statements on responsibilities as they’re assigned in the divorce process and we outline the major buckets of circumstances that will see you working with your attorney again: appeals, parenting plan adjustments, and the biggie, contempt and enforcement.

Plus, we have a listener question that asks us to challenge the impact of the prenuptial agreement on the strength of the marriage. You don’t want to miss Seth’s answer!

(00:00) - Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
(00:26) - S.L.A.D. (Subsequent Lawsuits After Divorce)
(01:18) - Courts as Fee-Generating Venues
(05:51) - Reasons for Subsequent Lawsuits
(15:44) - Other Procedural Moions
(17:45) - Appellate Lawyers
(19:47) - Small Numbers
(23:29) - New Spouses and Other Changes
(25:59) - Listener Question: Prenups
(29:31) - Listener Question: Remarriage
(34:40) - Wrapping Up & Season End Hiatus