In this empowering episode, Seth and Pete are joined by Beverly Price, founder of Her Empowered Divorce, to discuss how to overcome domestic abuse and take control of divorce proceedings. Beverly shares her personal story of persevering through multiple divorces and emerging stronger. She provides insights on effective communication, documenting abuse, and building a supportive team. This is an inspiring conversation about reclaiming your agency during a challenging time.

Key Takeaways

Communicate for results, not just to express yourself. Frame issues clearly and concisely.Create a divorce team including a coach, lawyer and financial advisor. Divvy up roles.Document abuse with specific facts and dates, not emotions. Paint a pattern over time.

Questions We Answer

How can you prep most effectively for that first lawyer meeting?What should you say when first telling your spouse you want divorce?How do you prove non-physical abuse like coercion?

Plus, we tackle another listener question on changes in Florida divorce law!

This empathetic episode provides encouragement and practical tools to help anyone facing a contentious split take control of their situation, reclaim their self-worth, and ultimately transition from victim to survivor. Beverly shares her own inspiring journey as well as expert tips to empower yourself and get results during divorce proceedings.

Links & Notes

Find Beverly and Her Empowered Divorce on the web, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTubeHer Empowered Divorce PodcastGet Beverly’s free ebook Comprehensive Divorce Checklist hereDivorce CoalitionSchedule a consult with SethGot a question you want to ask on the show? Click here!
(00:00) - Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
(02:00) - Meet Beverly Price
(03:16) - Beverly’s Backstory
(05:42) - Types of Abuse
(08:29) - ‘Have I Experience These Things’ List
(09:28) - Beverly’s Own Signs
(10:57) - Reading the Messages
(14:08) - Helping Others
(17:49) - Prepping for Your Attorney
(25:54) - Forethought in Domestic Violence Situation
(30:56) - The Divorce Coalition
(41:42) - Reaching Out to Beverly
(42:31) - Listener Question
(49:33) - Wrap Up

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