Ko Im knows self-love. She knows it because she practices it. She knows it because she writes about it. And she knows it because she’s worked hard to cultivate it. In this episode, Ko shares how recent events affecting the AAPI community have led her to speak up and out - namely in an OpEd for Newsweek - and at the same time have required her to dig deeper than ever to access her own worthiness. Self-love is a product of our own personal work, but it’s also a reflection of the communities we grow up in and surround ourselves with. No matter the amount of work involved, it’s worth it to cultivate self-love. Because as Ko reminds us, the world will be a better place when we all have a greater awareness of our innate worthiness.

Listen now, and for show notes and access to the free mini-course, visit www.voicebodyconnection.com/podcast.