Tried everything to win new clients but nothing’s working?

You’ve got to listen to this episode.

I’m joined by Claire Sewell - Sales & Mindset Coach - After 20 years in sales, three years studying sales psychology, energy and how the mind works and a lifetime of observing human behaviour, Claire has found the missing link between consistent sales performance is understanding the four pillars of sales: Energetics - Psychology - Strategy and Process.

When all these four powerhouses are connected, you become magnetic at sales because you have a grounded certainty in your potential, who you help (your 5* clients), your offer and the massive value you deliver to solve their problem and impact them. AND you learn the essence of selling and how to move your prospects through a sales call naturally and comfortably, without any awkwardness!

You can connect with Claire via her website  or on LinkedIn

If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to lead better, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Coach, Speaker & Business Mentor) at or connect with me on LinkedIn on