My guest for this episode of the How to Spark Success podcast knows a thing or two about wine… and business!


Aubrey Terrazas is an 18-year hospitality professional, Master Sommelier candidate, and e-commerce entrepreneur who co-founded the digital wine service, Palate Club.


Beyond leading the international wine buying for the team, Aubrey used her experience of tasting 100s of wines each year to identify over 200 wine traits—the core data that Palate Club uses to expertly match wines to your taste.


Aubrey is a wine educator and journalist that champions sustainability and up-and-coming regions for publications such as SommJournal and GuildSomm.


Her ideas and disruption to the classic “wine club” model positioned her as one of America’s top sommeliers and wine entrepreneurs. Aubrey lives between Florida and Lyon, France where she frequents vineyards and is an avid runner.

You can follow Aubrey on Instagram -

And on LinkedIn -

Palate Club -

Terra Vine Agency -

If you’ve been inspired and would like to find ways to spark your own success, launch your business idea, grow your business or increase your online presence, book in a call with me, Liz Hamlet (Podcast host, Success Coach & Business Mentor) at or connect with me on LinkedIn on

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