Rick Martin runs Fortress Federation, a multi-family company that focuses mainly in the Southeastern United States. He has been in Real Estate since 1997 and currently invested in over 1,300 units. 

In addition to real estate, he has led a career in Entertainment and Commercial Advertising. 

[00:01 – 08:15] Opening Segment

Getting to Know Rick Martin Rick talks about his background Owning both Single and Multi-family Properties Established partnership at Southeastern US 

[08:16 – 15:09] Bringing Net Worth to your deals

What is KP (Key Principal) and how does it affect real estate Risk Capital  Winning and losing Risk Capital

[15:10 – 22:12] Strategies to execute the Game Plan 

Vetting Operators as part of strategies Having a track record and beating projections Conservative Underwriting Handling and overcoming hard deals situation Underwriting and due diligence when it comes to making deals 

[22:13 – 27:20] Final Four Segment

Tweetable Quotes:

“I’ve not taken a deal where I just jumped in. The deals that I’ve done, I have known these people for a while, I have seen how they’ve run their ship. I see how they underwrite. I can run for a deal really quickly in just a few moments, just looking at the underwrite.” - Rick Martin

“Before you do anything in a day, before you turn on your phone or check your email or social media, just get present with yourself. Just tune in to you before you plug in to the rest of the world.” - Rick Martin 

Resources Mentioned: 

Fortress Federation Investments


Connect with Rick on LinkedIn and email him at [email protected]

Connect with me:

I love helping others place money outside of traditional investments that both diversify strategy and provide solid predictable returns.

Call: 901-500-6191



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