Do you ever wonder, ‘Exactly what is this inflammation that all these health experts keep talking about? Where is it? What does it look like?’... The unfortunate reality is that for the most part the inflammation we should be most concerned about is low grade, chronic inflammation. Low grade makes it sound not so bad but think of it as the difference between a pipe that bursts that causes you to have to mop up and replace some washers, versus, a pipe that leaks at just a trickle inside the wall and in 10 years of that low grade trickle has caused the foundation of the buildings to rot and you weren’t even aware - see how the low grade inflammation is worse in the long run? Seeing and feeling this mysterious inflammation is challenging on the day to day but we know exactly what causes it and thus we can intervene.

In Today’s Episode We Cover

What is inflammation and the what are the different typesWhich food choices causes inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunctionWhat can we do to recover our gut health and slow down the aging and chronic disease processes


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Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"

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