Moms, Mothers, Mums!! Are you always running around doing all the things, doing the work, leading a team, running a business all in the middle of having given birth to 1, 2, 3, or even more children. How do you do it?... Well more to the point - of course, you can do it, you’re you, you’re a high achiever, and you power through everything that’s put in front of you. Except maybe, just maybe, in all those years of doing things for others, you forgot about yourself, your body, your emotions, YOU. The old saying “if you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time with your illness” begins to ring true because if there is one common trait among super successful, busy, powerful Mum’s it is inevitably…. BURNOUT and it hits with one hell of a force. But you’re not alone and there are expert, high achieving Mum’s just like you (on this episode) that can help you catch it before it hits and guide you to find a way out of it if it has already arrived.
In This Episode We Cover
Postnatal Depression and mental health challenges of Mum’sWhy being a busy person leads to burnout and how spirituality can helpHow to start focusing on yourself and find your way back to full health
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Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"