Have you ever met an endurance athlete? They’re absolutely mind blowing and so I’m going to introduce you to one today. Lisa Tamati has an incredible 25+ year career as an ultramarathon runner and her story is incredible. Since retiring she has become one of the leading biohacking and alternative healing strategy experts in the world and is usually people’s first touch point when it comes to the benefits for both, performance and disease, of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

On this episode we discussed: 

How Lisa became one of the world's toughest endurance athletesWhat it takes to run 70,000 kilometersThe tough upbringing that leads to high level achievement Why mainstream medicine is not open to natural healthAlternative cancer healing strategies How Lisa saved her Mum’s life from a brain aneurysmHow Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works to heal the bodySupplements that help with protecting your brain during and after contact sports


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Where to find LISA TAMATI

Lisa's Website

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Lisa's Facebook

Lisa's Twitter

Lisa's YouTube


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Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"

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