Maryam Henein is a veteran investigative journalist of 25 years and a functional medicine consultant and coach.

Henein started her career in the mainstream media, producing the news for MSNBC in Burbank.  She hosted a documentary film on the Ark of the Covenant for TLC. She directed the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page. The Huffington Post named the film “one of twelve most mind-blowing movies you can stream on Netflix.”

Baffled by the misinformation and factual omissions being reported by the mainstream media, not to mention the mishandling of the Derek Chauvin trial, Maryam Henein’s investigative reporting took her behind the headlines to the real story of what happened to George Perry Floyd on May 25, 2020.

Interviews include Floyd’s former employer Jiovanni Thunstrom of the Conga Latin Bistro, the owners of Cup Foods, the medical examiner’s office, the Hennepin hospital, NMS Labs who conducted the toxicology report, False Flag Weekly News co-host Cat McGuire, filmmaker Joel Gilbert (Michelle Obama 2024, Trayvon Martin Hoax), Chris Martin, Black Political Activist Larry Pinkney, Cup Food owners, former attorneys of George Floyd, Morries Lester Hall, Thomas Lane’s Attorney Earl Gray, Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies, and attorney Timothy Japhet.

For her truth-telling investigative journalism, she has suffered two strikes on her second YouTube channel, lost thousands of followers on Twitter where she is shadowbanned and has gotten canned by Square. Google’s Medic Update buried HoneyColony her health magazine and eCommerce marketplace, causing her to lose 67% of her organic traffic. Paypal, Amazon, GoFundMe have also banned her. However, VOTB is available on DVD on her website.

Through the adversity, she seeks to uncover the true story of George Floyd. 

Support her movie, and help fund the documentary and pre-order the book!