Feeling suffocated by your intense attachment to something, only to see it slip further away 
(like your ex)? In this powerful episode, we dive into “the attachment cycle” and how it's keeping you stuck, whether it's a relationship, a goal, or a dream. Discover how understanding and navigating the attachment cycle can help you collapse the timeframe to bring your desires into reality. Learn practical steps to recognize when you're gripping too tightly, move through resistance, cultivate curiosity, and ultimately release attachment. Join me as we explore how to create safety in your mind and body, propelling you toward the life you've always wanted (regardless of what your ex is doing). Don't miss this transformative discussion—click to listen now!

With a special announcement from Breakup Coach Dorothy that long time listeners will love! 

PS. The LAST ENROLLMENT for the Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less program is open. The deadline to enroll is Friday, June 14th at midnight: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/getoveryourexcelebrate/