A question I get ALL of the time is how to deal with being ghosted? Sometimes being ghosted is a sudden ending of a relationship or sometimes it’s a gradual experience. Either way many people experience pain after being ghosted. 

In today’s episode I want to explain exactly what you can do after being ghosted whether it was after a 10 year relationship, during your dating journey or anything in between. Leave this short episode knowing what ghosting actually is, why people ghost, and what to do about it.

5 months of healing in 5 days (June 19 - 23) only $17 – LIVE with Breakup Coach Dorothy: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/5-day-live-training/

The Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less program: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/getoveryourex

Ep. 113 - The concrete steps to closure: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/2021/09/27/__trashed/