Falling in love is one of the most amazing feelings we experience as humans. More often than not we associate that feeling with falling in love with another human. What if I told you, you could fall in love with yourself and feel that same way? 

In today’s episode learn why it’s important to learn the skill of falling in love with yourself, how it will help your next relationship and the specific components that go into the art of loving (yourself or anyone else). 

Resources in the episode:

From lost to loved in 4 days! May 23rd - 25th! Free! Sign up for self love week here: https://www.thebraveheartacademy.com/offers/BPS6ivcp

The Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less program is open for enrollment: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/getoveryourex

The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm