In Chinese medicine we talk about energy flow and how important it is for your energy to flow properly.  If it gets stuck, you’ll have problems.  But what about the energy flow of your environment?  

What if you’re living in a super cluttered space, what if you’re working with a toxic person every day?  Have you ever wondered why some plants keep dying in certain places, why you walk into a room and the air just seems stuffy?

You’re not crazy, it’s not in your head.  It’s all about Feng Shui.  

If you have heard of feng shui before you kinda know a little bit about what I’m talking about.  You might start thinking arrange furniture a certain way, placing good luck charm in certain place, and using certain colors to bring in good energy and good luck.  If this is the first time you’ve heard the words feng shui, you are not alone.  

Feng shui is an art and science.  It’s more than just energy placement, it’s about creating a harmonious environment where your health, your relationship, your finances will all flourish.  

I want to properly introduce our guest for today’s episode.  Her name is Kelly Jones. She is a Feng Shui expert, healer, author and speaker.  Kelly is going to debunk some myths around Feng Shui and then give you some action items so that you can harmonize the energy around you to boost your fertility.  

If you are interested in Kelly's consultations, please visit her website:

And you can also call Kelly directly at 919-200-8686

I’m so excited, let’s dive into the interview.
