I plan to live forever. But, just in case I don't, I want my kid to have something to put in her pocket when I'm gone. So, my husband and I need life insurance. My friend Aljerice Hasty walks me through the different types of life insurance policies out there and the steps to take to make sure we're covered. Then, my girlfriend Laura is back to bitch and moan with me for our "Wah, Wah, Wah" segment. This time we're complaining about birth control. It sucks!


Show Notes:


*You can email Aljerice with questions: [email protected]


*Here's a handy insurance calculator: http://www.lifehappens.org/insurance-overview/life-insurance/calculate-your-needs/


*When the hell is there going to be male birth control? Soon-ish: http://www.webmd.com/men/news/20160325/male-birth-control


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