Child molestation is a topic I’ve been worried about since the moment I found out I was pregnant. What if someone touches my kid? Can I legally murder a predator? Is it my fault? I asked Courtney Watson, MFTi to talk me down from my panic ledge by discussing how we can talk to our kids about their bodies and consent. We also get into ways to advocate for our children and heal with them and the entire family if a violation does occur. This will hopefully be the first of a series of episodes where we discuss age appropriate sexual behavior and responses to that behavior. Because just like all things in parenting, there is no one size fits all solution.

Show Notes:

*Please! Please! Please go to my website for all the resources and statistics Courtney mentions in the podcast.

*You can contact Courtney via her website (

*She wrote a special blog post all about how to talk to young children about sexual assault. It’s ESSENTIAL!



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