Building Packages That Sell Do you feel like you are constantly leaving money on the table, or missing out on bookings? In today’s episode, Nick and John break down the different types of package options you can offer. Do you want to offer packages? A la carte? A hybrid of the two? What is the best of you in your business? Which ones of these options fits better for your clientele? We have been having a lot of mentor sessions lately, and are seeing so many things that could be better in the packages of the business owners we are talking with. The psychology behind what you are charging, how you lay out your packages, and what you offer in them really makes a big difference on whether or not you will be booking that couple. In this episode, we will walk you through the 3 types of package options you can offer, and why each of them is good, and potentially bad for your business. Grab those headphones, and listen to this week’s episode of the How To Film Weddings Podcast!