Here’s the thing, weddings are personal. The people getting married, they are people. No two couples are the same. More and more, couples are choosing their wedding videographer based on personality, branding, and being able to relate to them.

So how do we become more unique? How do we attract the right people for our brand? You have to know who you are. Let’s say that again, you have to know who you are. What do you stand for? Why do you shoot weddings? What makes you keep shooting weddings? How can you infuse that into your branding? Into your personality?

When John met Becca Neblock at 2019’s Venture Workshop, he could tell she didn’t care what anyone else thought. He could tell she knew who she was, and what she stood for. Fast forward a half a year later, and we are having her on the podcast to talk just about that. How she knows who she is, and stands for what matters most to her. Nick met Becca at the first Venture, has done styled shoots with her, and has been impressed.

This podcast is full of info about your brand, but we also dive into feminism. We talk to Becca about what that means to her, and how people can be more aware of things they do at weddings to degrade women. We love bringing light to this topic, and are very excited for you to hear the conversation.

Becca holds nothing back on her website, and her IG account be sure to check her out.